Monday 23 May 2016

Bluebells on Sunday

Feeling a little low, I had contacted a dear friend on social media who I knew would lift my spirits. He has a beautiful soul and though I've never met him, I cherish his friendship.

I asked him if he would clone himself and send his clone to live with me. If only! Wouldn't that be great...someone who understands but never judges, someone with a pure heart who is always there to listen, someone who is intelligent, musical, as beautiful on the inside as he is on the outside, and someone I wish I had met many decades since.

Life is what life is.

After his warm and loving words, I slept with the stars and woke in the sun.

I headed out to the woods to find solace and comfort in nature. It always works for me.

Saturday 14 May 2016

Painting with Scissors Workshop with Maya Mitten

One of the reasons I moved to Narberth was to encourage myself to get involved with the art scene and the general good vibe that this little market town embodies.

Since I moved to my new home, I've been very busy up cycling my furniture and doing all the other things you need to do when you move... like finding a place for everything to go.

I saw the workshop was being held at the Oriel Q Gallery so I put my name down for it. I'm glad I did. There were only a few of us, but it was good to meet Maya and my fellow workshopees. Maya's work can be viewed at She is a DJ and artist, an interesting person to talk too and a good facilitator. I really love her collage work, its so detailed and fascinating to look at.

The morning began with cutting out pictures from The National Geographic

More cutting... chatting... discussing Maya's art.... her next project

I chose my pictures and made my collage... not quite finished but I'm happy with how it materialised.