Analogue images are so much more atmospheric than digital in my eyes. I'm not an analogue snob, I shoot with digital too, but the quality of film for me is beyond comparison. The images are grainy, organic in nature, they have more feeling within them.
When I shoot, either with film or with digital, I always allow my intuitive response to capture the picture. To most people, they mean nothing, but to me they mean a great deal because my emotions lay within them.
I photograph with my heart in the places I love to be. This church is one such place. There I am surrounded by people whom I have loved either as friend, family or neighbour. The church is no longer used for service, Sadly all of the interior has been taken out. But it is such a special place for me. It is like many other places, it holds emotion, memories, and so much social history. A wealth of lives lived and lives remembered.