There's no telling what the future holds for any of us. Working in the community caring for the elderly who have suffered illness, is a stark reality of how none of us can take life for granted. If we live past our twilight years to an old age, our bodies will inevitably suffer, not necessarily to become incapable of looking after ourselves, but many of us will need help of some kind.
Not everyone has close family to care for them, and even if there is family, its not a certainty that they will want or be able to look after the more senior members of the family. Those people who have no one, rely on the professionals to care for them. As I see it, what they need most, as any of us do, is kindness, love, affection, and most of all respect for their integrity.
A workshop I attended on Dementia this week, reminded me that it is so important to see the person and not the illness. This is true for all those who have a physical or mental illness. I see photographs in my clients homes reminding me of the lives they have lived. I have only started work as a Community Carer this week, and am currently on two weeks training. But already I feel that this career path is giving me the opportunity to do something worthwhile. My philosophy has always been to treat others in the manner that I wish to be treated. Now that I am caring for people, I can see that this is even more important.
The work obviously has limitations. We have many, many clients, so the time we spend with each person is very limited. But in that time I can only strive to bring some light into their lives, to smile and use my sense of humour, or if humour is not appropriate and a person is depressed or their spirits low, or even if they are grumpy, then it is my job to be kind and considerate, and to respect their wishes at all times.
Life has its ebbs and flows, never knowing what lies ahead; its good to live in the moment, to appreciate and to always be aware of what is really important. For me that is to love, to forgive and to strive to live the best way I can.
The beauty of Life is all around......